Sunday, August 30, 2015

Top 5 movies I love

-The Shawshank Redemption, this movie is about two men who, while in prison, realize what it is like to be a good person and create an amazing friendship. They realize that all it takes to have a decent life is common decency.
-Fight Club, is a movie that will change the way you think about your life’s secrets. In this movie, two simplistic men create a secret organization for men to physically get out all of their inner aggression by beating other people up.
-The Blind Side, hit theaters and took America by storm awakening many people to a story that they never heard of. “The Blind Side” is a true story about Michael Oher;  this movie showed him going from homeless with only one extra shirt to being taken in loved and accepted by an amazing and wealthy family. This family helped him to get into sports which took him all the way through high school, college and into the NFL.
-Karate Kid, a no further comments needed. Though if needed to your life is down the drain, but the original not the crappy modern one.
-Enter the Dragon, an underground martial arts tournament, drugs, prostitutes, revenge, some sick Kung Fu, mirrors. Sadly, the final one from Bruce Lee in an epic movie genre. Bruce Lee is ridiculously awesome and that’s all I really need to say.Best line “Don’t think. FEEL. It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”

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