Friday, August 28, 2015

Thought to give

See what is to be considered an annoyance to others might be nothing to me rather a regular basis; however, I can be an insane person with all my preferences in life. Well time to get to work on this post before I go off & accidentally login into Hulu or Netflix and pass my time like a college student that fears the suns warmth after pulling an all nighter with a series. Well any way, my pet peeves range from the all ranges but it depends on what is going on. For instance when I’m sitting down and you decide to be a prick by standing in front of me when I'm talking to someone and its on purpose. That gets under my skin if you do repeatedly to annoy me but I would still be fine if you wouldn’t decide to be a total spink while doing it. Not much more really get to me because I've done them at one time or another. So thats it for now.

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